Tuesday 15 March 2011

Sausage pie

This sausage pie was probably the very first recipe I learnt to make when I was a kid. And so, when I was thinking with which recipe to start my blog, the choice was very obvious for me! Nowadays, I can almost do this recipe with my eyes closed, and the thing is- everybody at my place loves it! Here goes the recipe:


1 cup (200 gr.) of flour
1/2 cup (100 gr.) of butter
2 tablespoons milk (or water)
1 egg
A pinch of salt
For the filling:
4 eggs 
1 cup (200 ml) milk
1 / 2 cup cream
Slices of ham, chourizo sausage, frankfurter sausages, bacon and other meats to taste

Start by preparing the dough, mixing the flour with the salt and the egg, butter and milk (or water). Knead all ingredients well and then put in a pie tray, spreading evenly until the dough is well spread and without holes.
For the filling, beat the eggs with the salt, the meats broken into small pieces and sliced ​​sausages. Adjust the amount of milk and cream according to the size of the pie tray, so that it covers the tray without being overloaded. Transfer it in a hot oven, until well browned. Serve with a salad and crisps.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, this looks wonderful. I just bought some Italian sausage yesterday. This would be an awesome way to use it.
